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PFW Rides Resume!
Jim Brittain | Published on 6/2/2020
If you’ve been waiting for the Princeton FreeWheelers to resume rides before you renew your membership… well, NOW IS THE TIME!
The Freewheelers will resume rides effective immediately, subject to the following additional rules:
All riders must carry a face covering and must use it when gathering off the bike (before and after rides, rest stops, etc.) using a face mask, gaiter or bandana.
Riders must keep a minimum distance of 10’ in front and back of each other. Riders may ride side by side, where appropriate, but only if it is realistic to stay 6’ apart.
Groups must be no larger than 10 riders and the leader may stipulate a lower maximum. Preregistration, if provided by the leader, is strongly recommended to secure a spot and avoid disappointment. A ride leader may identify a second leader if more than 10 riders are expected. The second group may follow its own route or follow the first group by maintaining a gap of at least 100’.
Riders must avoid bunching at intersections or when slowing for any reason. This is especially important if there is a second group.
Brief rest stops are permitted and social distancing must be observed and face coverings must be worn.
Maintain social distancing before, during, and after the ride and when signing the ride sheet.
Cooperation and respect for these rules and for the requests of ride leaders is essential to meet the Club’s responsibility to conduct rides safely. The Club may find it necessary to amend these rules based on experience or future announcements by authorities.
No spitting or expelling fluids from your nose or mouth. Keep any tissues, handkerchiefs, etc. securely tucked inside your pockets.
Ride distances should be adjusted due to the limited availability of rest rooms and food stops.
Do not participate in PFW rides if you are feeling ill.
These additional rules are to be read, with the other rules, at the beginning of each ride, until the end of COVID-19 restrictions. If riders do not feel comfortable signing the ride sheets, they can bring their own pens, or ask the leader to sign in their place.
If you haven’t renewed your membership, be aware that some of the rides listed will only be visible to active members. If you’re not active, and can’t log in as a member, you won’t be able to see some of the rides you want to go on! Leaders may also require riders to pre-register in order to attend the ride. Lapsed members also may not be able to get to the club’s RideWithGPS account.
So, leaders, head on over to the calendar and start listing rides, as soon as you are ready to do so. Riders, look for the rides you want to participate in. And if you’ve allowed your membership to lapse… now is the time to re-up!
Please patronize our PFW Sponsors. Clicking on the ad will bring you to their site:

Firehouse Cycles
37 South Delaware Ave, Suite 3
Yardley, PA 19067
(215) 321-7171
Sunday 9-1
Tues-Fri 10-6
Saturday 9-5
Closed Mondays

Jay's Cycles
249 Nassau St
Princeton, NJ 08540
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 11am-6pm
Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm
Closed Wednesdays

7 Route 31
Pennington, NJ 08534
Mon-Fri 10-6
Sat 930-430
Sun 12-4

Boys and Girls Club Bike Exchange
1524 North Olden Ave, Ewing, NJ
Regular hours (3/22 through 12/31):
Tuesday & Thursday 5:00 to 7:45
Saturday: 10:00 to 3:45
Winter hours (1/1 to 3/21):
Saturday 10:00 to 2:00

683 Mercer Street
Hightstown, NJ 08520
Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-6
Tu, Thu: 10-7
Sat: 10-5
Sun: 11-3
Sourland Cycles
53 E Broad St
Hopewell, NJ 08525
Sun: 11am - 4pm
Mon: Closed
Sat: 10am - 5pm
Halter's Cycles
1325 US 206
Skillman, NJ 08558
Mon-Fri 11-7
Sat 10-5
Sun 12-4
RoadMaestro Bicycle Service
Mobile Bicycle repair based in
Hightstown, NJ
Click on the logo for info.

Ramblin' Wrench
Bike maintenance comes to you!
Discounts to FreeWheeler Members
Updated 3/14/2025